Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

QAre there any prerequisites?

No, but if you don’t have any prior economic modeling experience it may be helpful to read over the Self Teaching Manual before the start of the course.

QWhat is the course format?

The course is broken up into 4 sections, two before lunch and two after.  Each section has a lecture on new course content followed by a time to practice what you learned through problem solving.

QWhat is the schedule of the course?

Class hours for the 4-day program are 8:00–noon and 1:15–5:00 Monday through Thursday.
For the 2.5-day program, 8:00–noon and 1:15–5:00 Monday through Tuesday and 8:00–noon on Wednesday. A “getting acquainted function” will be held after class on Tuesday for each session occuring at Colorado School of Mines.

QWhat should I bring with me?

All participants should bring a laptop/device with excel/numbers.  In addition to your computer financial calculators or phone app capable of making NPV and IRR calculations are also suggested.  Hewlett Packard HP10BII is recommended or similar app. Hewlett Packard 12C, 17BII, or Texas Instruments BAII or equivalent models are suitable substitutes. Application of excel and calculators will be addressed during the courses.

QIs lunch provided?

No, lunch is not provided. We break for lunch from approximately 12:00 noon to 1:15 pm. There are tons of good restaurants just down the hill from campus in downtown Golden.

QWhat is appropriate attire?

Business casual is recommended.

QDo I have to bring a financial calculator?

We recommend that you bring a financial calculator capable of making NPV and IRR calculations. Hewlett Packard HP10BII is recommended. Hewlett Packard 12C, 17BII, or Texas Instruments BAII or equivalent models are suitable substitutes.

QDo I have to bring my laptop?

We strongly recommend that if you have a laptop, you bring it to the course. Excel is a valuable tool for economic modeling, and many in-class problems are solved much more easily using Excel.